Rua Gold Intersects 27.2 g/t Gold, 1.35% Antimony Over 0.3 Metres At Murray Creek

FULL DISCLOSURE: This is sponsored content for Rua Gold.

Rua Gold (TSXV: RUA) has intersected gold in multiple drill holes conducted across its Reefton assets. The company this morning provided a drilling update for multiple properties, indicating that gold has been encountered at both Murray Creek and Capleston, with further drilling currently underway.

At Murray Creek, Rua has reportedly intersected visible gold in three separate holes, which were down-dip extensions of the historical Victoria lode. Vertical continuity is said to have been demonstrated over 100 metres while remaining open.

Highlights from the results that were released include:

  • VIC_042: 0.2 metres of 34.1 g/t gold from a depth of 388.65 metres
  • VIC_042A: 0.3 metres of 27.2 g/t gold and 1.35% antimony from a depth of 388.6 metres
  • VIC_042B: 1.2 metres of 11.1 g/t gold from a depth of 390.0 metres

Hole VIC_042B is said to have had fine visible gold throughout the vein, and antimony infilling fractures, with assay results pending on antimony values. The intercept was made 80 metres below the historical Victoria mine, and 20 metres to the northeast of VIC_042A, which also encountered a vein with visible gold present. A series of directional drill holes are now underway with IMDEX Devico Navi-drilling, which will work to progress the delineation of the unmined reef down dip and along strike.

Two parent holes have been established for directional drilling, with six more holes planned for Q1.

“It is very encouraging to be intercepting gold on the majority of our targets in the Reefton Goldfield. Murray Creek has delivered vertical continuity and visible gold on every hole and even more exciting as we start seeing visible antimony on this target. The drill program is progressing nicely and with the navi-drilling team in place and two main holes complete, we can start building structure with our 20m spaced drill program,” commented Robert Eckford, CEO of Rua Gold.

READ: Rua Gold Closes On Purchase Of Reefton Assets, Now Holds Claims On 95% Of District

At Capleston, Rua is currently targeting an undeveloped and near-surface vein to at the southern end of the two kilometre long project. Drilling here focused on near-surface targets, with assay highlight results including:

  • REF_043: 1.0 metre of 3.2 g/t gold from a depth of 32.0 metres
  • REF_044: 1.0 metre of 2.9 g/t gold from a depth of 31.0 metres
  • REF_044T: 2.0 metres of 5.3 g/t gold from a depth of 29.0 metres
  • REF_047: 3.3 metres of 4.8 g/t gold from a depth of 29.7 metres

Drilling has been halted at Capleston, with the drill rig that was in use here being demobilized in favor of drill testing the Cumberland project, where VRIFY AI tech has indicated the company should follow up on a historic intercept of 21.9 metres of 92.0 g/t gold in hole GAL001.

Rua Gold last traded at $0.61 on the TSX Venture.

FULL DISCLOSURE: Rua Gold is a client of Canacom Group, the parent company of The Deep Dive. The author has been compensated to cover Rua Gold on The Deep Dive, with The Deep Dive having full editorial control. Not a recommendation to buy or sell. Always do additional research and consult a professional before purchasing a security.

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