Verses AI Aims For Commercialization In 2025 As Early Atari 10K Data Is Released

FULL DISCLOSURE: This is sponsored content for Verses AI.

Verses AI (CBOE: VERS) is anticipating that it will transition from its beta phase to its commercial phase in 2025, as the company progresses the development of its Genius platform.

“Our Genius product has evolved rapidly this quarter, and we are excited to transition from beta to its commercial phase in 2025,” commented Verses CEO Gabriel Rene within a corporate update released this morning.

The company has indicated that a majority of Genius beta users are expected to convert to commercial clients in 2025, which follows an update of the platform that was released earlier this month. The update is said to include enhanced reasoning and planning capabilities, comprehensive model explainability, and support tools to accelerate client onboarding. The changes are believed to enhance the model editing interface with simplified tutorials and deployment processes.

“We also have several new projects in a variety of different market segments that are in the scoping phase with contracting expected in Q1,” commented COO James Hendrickson.

WATCH: Verses AI: Genius vs. OpenAI

Atari 10K preliminary results

In addition to the commercial progress, Verses this morning also released early data on Genius’ performance within the Atari 10k challenge, which is an aggressive variant of the Atari 100K benchmark. The challenge aims for AI platforms to meet or exceed human-level performance across multiple Atari games using just 10k frames and a fraction of the compute with a single generalizable architecture.

While only preliminary results have been released, Genius is said to have demonstrated that its Active Inference-based Bayesian models can “achieve comparable or better performance” than that of the “Bigger, Better, Faster” model developed by Google’s Deepmind, and other deep learning transformer-based models, such as Anthropic and OpenAI.

“We have demonstrated that it is technically feasible to leverage Bayesian approaches at scale, tackling complex challenges like Atari with significantly reduced compute and sample sizes. Simultaneously, we are integrating these advanced capabilities into Genius, ensuring that we deliver a user-friendly and accessible solution for our customers. This is just the beginning of what we can accomplish together,” commented Hari Thiruvengada, CTO of Verses.  

READ: Verses AI Sees Genius Outperform OpenAI Model In Tech Challenge

Genius is said to use 90% less data, and 96% less compute than these other models throughout the challenge, resulting in models that are 97% smaller in size, enabling operation on low-power devices. Furthermore, Verses model was used on the equivalent of a CPU, versus the GPU architecture required for the other artificial intelligence algorithms.

“[Genius’] unique combination of active inference and learning, as highlighted in today’s announcement on the Atari benchmarks, enables a new class of agents capable of reliably automating real-time decision-making, reducing errors, and maximizing efficiency for enterprises—from software applications to robotic automation,” continued Rene.

A more comprehensive update on the Atari 10K challenge is said to be “forthcoming.”

Verses AI last traded at $1.63 on the CBOE.

FULL DISCLOSURE: VERSES AI is a client of Canacom Group, the parent company of The Deep Dive. Canacom Group is currently long the equity of Verses AI. The author has been compensated to cover VERSES AI on The Deep Dive, with The Deep Dive having full editorial control. Not a recommendation to buy or sell. Always do additional research and consult a professional before purchasing a security.

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